Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ah, isn't it lovely?

I did it! From a stash of extremely ugly yarn, I created a warm, functional, rather beautiful blanket!

Truly, sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I followed Lucy's (of Attic24) pattern for the floral squares, but varied the sizes and I also used her pattern for the scalloped edge. Thanks Lucy.

It isn't large, because even though I had plenty of some colors left, I had run out of others, but it is perfect for what it was intended - cool evenings on the patio.

Now, since I have such an embarrassing wealth of ugly yarn, I have decided to learn how to knit. It's frustrating for me as I have spent hours and hours and hours . . . crocheting, so that it is as easy for me as walking or breathing. This knitting thing, though! It's like learning to juggle while learning to ride a unicycle.

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