I've shown a lot of pictures lately of the crochet I've been doing - bright, colorful cushion covers, arm warmers and afghans. But that isn't typically the type of crochet I do. My passion is for fussy lace.
My nephew announced his intention to get married before being shipped out to Iraq the end of this month. So, I quickly began working on some lace to edge a set of pillowcases. I just happen to think that laced-edged pillowcases are a perfect wedding gift.
Then, something happened to make the wedding gift late. It wasn't me! My nephew and his fiance began their grand tour through Montana, Wyoming and Idaho to introduce each other to their families. Said families would then follow them back to their base (Ft. Lewis in Washington), witness their nuptuals and send my nephew off to Iraq in style.

Imagine everyone's surprise, then, when at the first family-introducing-stop, we learn that nephew and fiance actually got married the end of May! Oops. I may be able to crochet pretty fast, but even I can't finish a project before it was begun! And that is why, even though the pillowcases go in the mail today(on schedule!). . .they're late.

This is the gate to a cemetary somewhere in South Central France. Looks kinda lacey.
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