Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of December Catch-up

I've been quiet this month, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy, busy, busy. Made these adorable elf clogs (as seen on Allsorts), and work continues on the crochet throw made from the crap yarn. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to watch the pile of crap yarn diminish and see the, surprisingly, pretty throw develop! I am trying to get the second sock done for Cheerleader and I am working away on a beautiful burgundy "Rosebud" cardigan for myself.

El Guapo gave me all three knitting/crochet books that I asked for for Christmas, so I am set for the New Year.

There has been a mad spate of baking around here lately as well, but I don't find any good photos to post right now.

Have you made any resolutions for the New Year? I have decided that I kept last year's resolutions pretty well and I am going to just continue in that trend.

This is my last post for 2009, which turned out to be a pretty horrible year around here. Here's hoping 2010 is much better! (Actually, even just a little better would be much better). Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Gluten-Free Pie-in-a-Jar! As seen on Posie Gets Cozy. I made peach and cherry.

A new crochet project, another attempt to use up the tail end of last summer's crap yarn. I found the stitch pattern on a blog (Sarah London Textiles) and made a sample but couldn't figure out the entire thing - so was thrilled when I found Reader's Digest Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches - because I found a very similar stitch pattern in there that took just a little tweaking. It's called interlocking block stitch, if you want to know, and it makes for a very dense piece of crochet!
Another view, earlier in the project.

The patchwork strip quilt I started to use up all my old fabric scraps.

Another view. I haven't measured it yet, as I am still undecided about a border. I have two large pieces of fabric which may work for the backing and that would determine whether there is a border or not. I am pleased with how it is turning out, but it is on hold during Christmas as I have knitting and other crafting projects in the works. And really, this quilt top has a Spring feel to me. (Forgot to mention that I got the idea for the strip quilt after looking at One More Moore).