Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I only smell dead.

Here, in no particular order, are some of the items that have been occupying my time.
Above: A spring skirt made from Sew Serendipity by Kay Whitt. I did an invisible zipper for the first time and am so pleased with the result that I may never do any other type from now on.

Above and below, a jacket from a pattern Migi gave me for Christmas.
Below - same jacket, different fabric.

While I was knitting the drop-mesh tee (see below) I couldn't keep the small, annoying dog away from it. She wanted to be on my lap, completely wrapped up in as much of the knitting as was possible. She has never reacted quite like this to any of my other yarn, and I had a spare skein, so I knitted her a little drop-mesh blankie of her own.

The drop-mesh tee, below. Finally, after two other incarnations, I found a pattern that worked with this tired, overknit yarn. I'm very pleased with the final result.