Yesterday, my sister-in-law Carol and I went with another sister-in-law, Sandi, and her friend Deanna of
Recycled Lovelies to the Good Will Bins in Salem. Carol and I had never been, so Sandi and Deanna initiated us into the mysteries of Bin shopping (Crap by the pound)!
It's always hit or miss at the Bins, I knew that, and it can be a little yucky, so we dressed appropriately, but I did find some treasures.

I was looking for fabric, yarn, and linens primarily. I didn't find unused yarn, but just look at this gigantic granny square afghan I found! It is obviously the work of a demented grandma - individually the squares are rather hideous - but all together it has a certain j'ne sais quoi! Its dimensions are enormous and it is very heavy. Certainly an outdoor or college blanket. That lovely little straw bag in the forefront is in perfect condition and Cheerleader is going to revamp it into a Lolita Bag. The pillow form has a new life ahead of it as well.

Here is a pile of delicate linens, a silk scarf and hankie and miscellaneous articles of clothing getting ready to lose their Good Will Fragrance.

Here is another pile of crap. Four cardigans, a pullover sweater, an intricately embroidered Indian Shalwar Camise, an old metal tool box, an old beveled mirror, a book and some picture frames.
The prints in two of the picture frames were meh. But the mats, glass and frames were in great shape. So I spray painted the frames antique white and printed out two photos I took in the garden this spring. and Ta Dah! Art!
As I get more stuff cleaned and repurposed I will post more about it. The four of us bought about 80 lbs. of crap and paid .89 per pound!