So . . . the day has finally arrived! We leave for the airport tonight and then . . . off to France!!!! First stop - the French and Italian Alps. Next, Provence and the Mediterranean. Could it get any better? All this Frenchiness will be in company with our delightful French exchange student from last August - we couldn't have found a nicer friend! I made the above cards for her and her mum - an assortment of photos I took of the Eiffel Tower in 2007 and some photos I took of the poenys in my flower bed. I had a great time antiquing and generally messing with the photos and then turned them into blank notecards. I know, taking notecards of the Eiffel Tower to France is, as they say, 'taking coals to Newcastle.' But, whatever. The Eiffel Tower is just about my favorite place on earth.
So, I'm off. Back in two weeks with lots of photos to share.